Intron Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd




  • XKLUDETM as a feed additive boosts immunity, digestion of the birds
  • XKLUDETM penetrates into the pathogens by damaging the cell wall and inhibiting the propagation of pathogens in the system
  • Reduces pathogenicity by disrupting signalling between pathogens
  • XKLUDETM aids the flock develop resistance and immunity against a broad range of pathogens such as coli, Salmonella, Clostridium, Eimeria and a range of fungi
  • XKLUDETM with its unique combination of Phyto alkaloids and phyto peptides helps birds resist infection by antibiotic resistant pathogens also enhances overall health status and performance of the flock
  • XKLUDETM does not cause stress and the usage does not negatively effect the flock productivity
  • Enhances feed intake, digestion and improves FCR
  • Reduces mortality rates
  • XKLUDETM is certified organic and contains no antibiotics, no hormones and no harmful substances and does not have any withdrawal period


Normal Conditions as preventive: 1 ml per 2-3L of water.

In Endemic Conditions: 0.5-1 ml per 1L of water.

In Feed: 250 ml per ton of feed for commercial & 500ml per ton of feed for Breeder.

Dosage can be adjusted depending on the flock conditions or as per the advise of a poultry nutritionist.


1 litre food grade plastic bottles and bulk pails.